Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Brian Wilson, Luke Harper, and Damien Sandow All Related???

You are probably saying "What?????" right now, but a recent unnamed newspaper thought the 3 athletes all resembled each other for obvious reasons and all 3 are actually related.

Initial blood-work all came back negative but a small portion of each of the beards was taken for a DNA analysis and that test came back negative.

All 3 gentlemen's family trees were followed back almost 100 years and their blood lines not once crossed, so you may be wondering how in the world they are related.

The answer is in the beard.  Separate from a human blood line, there is also a hairline as well and all 3 beards are actually half brothers.  The beards' father, who still remains unknown at this time, apparently had relations with all 3 mothers' of the beards, who also remains unknown.

All three beards' representatives have not returned our calls and hopefully we will get to the bottom of this.

We will update you as soon as any other details come in.

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